The True Definition of Success

This move allows you to create your own definition of success.
Aneela Idnani Kumar

About the Move

Success can be defined in many ways: achievements, money, happiness, or even fame. It can be different for each one of us. One thing that we all have in common is our want to accomplish our purpose and achieve our goals.

Setting the Move in motion:

Find Your Purpose

What is the true essence of our life? Is it living bountifully? Accomplishing all our dreams? Or is it finding our true purpose and committing ourselves to do it?

We have a natural yearning to have purpose and the feeling of knowing where we belong. We often go through so much and it can take years before we even realize what our true purpose is. We just follow the norms and let society dictate our future.

But this is the time to step up and allow yourself to find out what your heart desires and take those small steps to start a life that aligns with your vision and purpose. Trust in your abilities and believe that you have what it takes to achieve this goal you have in mind.

Set Goals

Having goals is crucial in our lives. These goals allow us to focus on the things that matter and prioritize what needs to be done. Your goal holds you accountable and pushes you to do your best in everything.

By precisely knowing what you want in life, you will feel more motivated, disciplined, and focused to avoid distractions and just pursue your goal.

Celebrate and Reward Yourself

There's nothing wrong with doing your best or pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. But keep in mind that you also have to appreciate your small victories and reward yourself for the hard work you've done.

Big goals don't happen overnight and that's okay. You must focus on the small-achievable goals that you do day by day and celebrate them along the way.

Intangible Elements in Business Success

Aneela Idnani Kumar, TEDx speaker and co-founder of HabitAware, believes that you can be great at what you do and be successful at it if you are willing to embrace challenges. Have the right mindset on success, and make yourself available for opportunities that aren’t always available to everyone.
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